Can Global Financial Consultants Inc.
Can Global Financial Consultants Inc.is a comprehensive insurance and investment firm that offers a wide range of life insurance and investment products. We strive to help clients take important financial decisions at every stage of life and stay financially independent.
We provide wide range financial services includes investments- RRSP, RESP, TFSA & Non Registered investmentsof & Insurance- Life, disability, Critical illness, Visitor insurence, Lond term care , Non Medical insurance. We also provide financial planning (fees based) for our clients. We believe that you can buy peace of mind and build a valuable nest egg with careful financial planning.
Can Global Financial Consultants Inc is a reliable, independent advisor to its clients. We have the credibility and operational edge to be unbiased, which allows us to place our clients’ interests first.
At CAN GLOBAL we understand that every one of our clients has a specific financial goal — it encompasses unique needs, a distinct investment history, a defined tendency to save, and a varying threshold to investment risks. We make it our business to be fully informed about our clients’ needs, while closely following products and industry trends.
We firmly believes that one size doesn’t fit all. Every recommendation that we offer fits into a customized plan that is outlined at the beginning of a relationship.